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Milford Green Football Club

Milford Green Football Club are a Sunday Adult Men's football club (age 16 and above) who were founded in 1969.​

The club is currently one of the oldest Adult Men's Sunday football teams in Surrey with a history now stretching back over 50 years. The football club currently runs one team who play in the Surrey and Hants Border League.


The football club is based at Milford Heath, Milford, Surrey and uses as its base the wonderful facilities provided by the Burton Pavilion.


All home matches kick off at 10.30am on a Sunday Morning and are played at Milford Heath.


The club is proudly sponsored by the following company: - 
​Club subscriptions for the current season are £10 for all club members (playing).


Matches fees for players for the season 2023-2024 are £6 per match. These rates are reduced or pro-rated subject to how long a person participates in a match.


​The football club has a strict code of conduct for all players and club members and the club rules can be reviewed in detail when any person joins the football club.​


Our goal at Milford Green F.C is to provide a football club for the local Milford and Godalming area and surrounding area's in which keen amateur footballers and people who enjoy the game of football are able to play and watch the 'beautiful game' in a very friendly environment and are able to use the wonderful facilities provided by the Burton Pavilion and Milford Heath.


​The football club is always looking for new players (age 16 and above) and club members and supporters.
Anyone wishing to join the club as a player or any person wishing to help the football club in anyway should not hesitate to contact us and join this friendly local football club.
Please click on the website link button above.
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